Surgical Instruments


Most common types of orthopedic surgeries include a hand surgery performed to release tendons for the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or in hip replacement surgery. It is the job of orthopedic surgeons to help patients restore the functions performed by their skeletal system.

The skill range and implementation required for orthopedic surgeries is very extensive and thus the orthopedic instruments also have to be carefully chosen. The ranges of surgery types that are performed by orthopedic surgeons make the range of instruments required vary extensive as well. Due to this reason, sometimes surgeons have to use extensive instruments like power drills whereas at times they need a very delicate instrument like micro – surgical ones for precise and micro areas. This is why most of the instruments are classified according to their own unique function and are highly specialized.

The most popular category for orthopedic instruments is bone instruments. These instruments are required when the patient’s bone has to be removed or cut through. Mostly the ball joints that exist in our skeletal system from our limb or hip require the use of such instruments. This is why these bone instruments are all powered tools. A famous type of bone instrument is the gigli saw, which is basically a long wire that consists of teeth on it, which then attach to its handle. The straight hand saw version is also commonly used as orthopedic instruments. The longer leg bones need to be cut using the gigli saw rather than the straight saw. Lots of other bone instruments also look like huge wire cutters. Orthopedic instruments that are required for performing back surgeries include equipment like rongeur that help in biting away at the small bones. After that, surgeons need to install plates, pins, and screws which are done with the help of automatic drills. Other hand tools commonly used in such procedures include curettes, mallets, screwdrivers, and pliers. These instruments help in skimming off the bone from the surface.

Second most common category of orthopedic instruments includes the tissue instruments. These instruments are also commonly found at other general surgery operating rooms. They consist of common equipment like retractors, scissors, and clamps. To stop the bleeding from vessels, clamps are used. When surgeons have to cut through wire or tissue they need to use scissors. When surgeons need to hold back the patient’s muscle tissue so that they can easily work, they make use of retractors. This is how all these equipment in this category of orthopedic instruments is equally important for every orthopedic surgery.

Third most important category of orthopedic instruments includes prosthesis. This device is one of the most commonly used devices in orthopedic surgeries. It has become a routine that patients are now performing joint replacement. For this surgery, prosthesis is very important. Other large power tools are also used in such procedures along with glue that helps to keep the leg bone in place with the prosthesis.

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