Corporate Governance
At ACCNOO SURGICAL, we have a long record of being proactive in establishing policies and practices that support strong corporate governance and transparency. We believe compliance means more than just a statement and every business decision we make is grounded in ethical values such as fairness, integrity and sustainability.
Quality Policy
Quality is an integral part of our Corporate Business Principles. These principles guide our actions to deliver products and services that are safe, compliant and preferred. Our commitment is to never compromise on the safety, compliance, and quality of our products and services.
Ethics Policy
Our ethics policy has been created to provide a framework and guidance on the company’s approach to achieving and maintaining good business behaviour using sound ethical conduct. It serves to ensure that all employees are aware of their individual and collective responsibilities with regards to the company’s ethics and to emphasise our employees’ and customers’ expectations to being treated fairly and in accordance with good business practises.
LSAS Policy
We recognise our responsibility to ensure good social and ethical practices within our own operations and within our supply chain.
Environmental Policy
The Company will conduct its business in such a way as to prevent pollution, to minimise as far as is appropriate the adverse impact on the environment of its activities, to continually improve its performance against targets associated with its significant environmental aspects and to comply with all applicable environmental legislation.
General Health & Safety Policy
Health and safety is an integral aspect of our business and everyone must remain vigilant at all times. Everyone must be aware of the need to observe safe working practices and implement all controls, which have been identified. Everyone also has a legal and moral duty to report unsafe conditions, and if possible methods and means of achieving continuous improvement. The Directors are responsible for all matters involved in providing an effective Health and Safety System. This system will be maintained and updated as required and will be drawn to the attention of all employees.